Hetero is one of the Scale Dino's Email signature tool user
Qmart is one of the Scale Dino's Email signature tool user
Vamsiram - Scale Dino
Kims - Scale Dino
Dadus - Scale Dino

The all-you-can-imagine platform




Email signature tool - Scale Dino

Email Signature

Create professional signatures for your entire team in less than 3 minutes.

Customer Relationship Management Tool - Scale Dino

Lead Management Tool

Organize, save time, and manage leads like never before.

Social Media Management - Scale Dino

Social Media Manager

Rule all your social media platforms from a single hub.



Add a professional touch to your emails and reinforce your brand identity

  • Make it easy for your recipients to find more
    information about you or your business right
    from your email signature.
  • Incorporate interactive elements, such as
    clickable banners, videos, and customized
    buttons, which can help direct traffic to your

    Never miss a lead again.
    -Track and nurture your leads
    from one place

  • Oversee and handle your entire lead pipeline.
  • Maximize your lead conversion by converting your prospects into loyal customers.
  • lead management tool - Scale Dino


    Supercharge your social media
    – From planning to publishing

  • Enhance your social media management by
    consolidating all platforms into a unified
  • Stay up-to-date on social media trends, best
    practices, and optimum time to post to keep
    strategies current and effective.
  • This lock has NO key
    – 100% data privacy

    Security is a top priority for our tool, and we've implemented the most robust measures to ensure it.

    Begin your journey towards
    high-level efficiency.

    14-day free trial

    No credit card required

    Cancel anytime

    24/5 Technical support